12 years
14 mods
more than 30.000 customers

They are the purest expression of refined skill,
unmistakable design and above all, a great passion.

BYJONRUDA are some of the world's leaders
in mod development for ETS2 & ATS


Our customer support team is always ready
to answer your question or help you with
a difficult situation. Customer focus is
one of our principles.

to detail

Concentration even on details that
are not visible to everyone is one
of our key tenets.


Regular updates constantly complement
and improve our mods. allowing you to improve
the immersive effect and implement all your
boldest ideas on customization

and convenience

We strive for absolute transparency in our
operations and ease of interaction

Over the past couple of years, our company has reached a completely different level, both directly in terms of modifications and the level of work with clients. We have created a convenient automated site with a personal account, where everyone can instantly purchase and receive their mod in a convenient format at any time.

Also, during this time our company staff has
doubled, which allows us to release new mods
and updates for them more often. The new staff
members brought with them improved modding
technology, which has undoubtedly had an impact
on the level of all mods.

Jon Ruda

Mod developer and leader
